coming back to oneness
Earthdancer was founded in 2005 by Arwen Osmani as an imprint of the well-known spiritual publishing house, Findhorn Press. In 2018 another milestone was set, as Earthdancer became an imprint of Inner Traditions Bear and Company / US.
We specialise in publishing high quality books on the subject of healing, particularly crystal healing.
In keeping with our ideals of quality and thorough research, Earthdancer publishes a select number of interesting and beautifully illustrated books each year, by authors who are specialists in their fields.
We have published best-selling titles by Michael Gienger, who is known all over the world for his pioneering work and his clear and scientific approach to crystals and crystal healing.
Our full-color pocket guides have established themselves as the ‘small but powerful’ must-haves for beginners and experts alike.
Earthdancer is committed to bringing wisdom through books to an interested and inspired readership.
Our minds and souls should be as ever-changing as the universe. Reading brightens your horizon; thanks for reading!
Earthdancer was founded:
January 1st of 2005.
Earthdancer is an Imprint of Inner Traditions Bear and Company,
therefore Inner Traditions is responsible for all services concerning sales and marketing.
Earthdancer topics:
Gemstones, Holistic healing, Positive thinking, Crystals, Nature, Hawaii, Ho’oponopono, Family Constellations, Forgiveness, Love, Heart Healing.
Earthdancer philosophy:
Coming back to oneness
Earthdancer GmbH – Arwen Osmani – 2021