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Holistic Healing


Astrology & Numerology



Pocket Guides


Healing Crystals A-Z

Michael Gienger

Gem Water

Michael Gienger

Twelve Essential Healing Crystals

Michael Gienger

Healing Crystals First Aid Manual

Michael Gienger

Purifying Crystals 

Michael Gienger

Crystal Protection from 5G

Barbara Newerla

Crystal Body Grids

Sharon L. McAllister

Awakening your Crystals

Sharon L. McAllister

Crystals and Numerology

Editha Wüst & Sabine Schieferle

Color Your Life with Crystals

Margaret Ann Lembo

Quartz Crystals

Isabel Silveira

Crystals Gifts

Michael Gienger

Holistic Healing


Wolfgang Windmann, PhD

Twelve Essential Oils of the Bible

Johannes Huber

Essentials Oils for Dental Health

Essential Oils for Dental Health

Karin Opitz-Kreher & Jutta Schreiber, D.M.D.

Boost Your Natural Energy

Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu

Reflexology Made Easy

Ewald Kliegel

The Body Clock in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Lothar Ursinus


Shamanic Star Wisdom Oracle By (Author) Lisa Biritz Illustrated by Petra Kühne

Shamanic Star Wisdom Oracle

By (Author) Lisa Biritz
Illustrated by Petra Kühne

Dragon Riders Oracle

The Dragon Riders Oracle

Christine Arana Fader

Essential Oils Oracle Cards

Essential Oils Oracle Cards

Dennis Moeck

The Tree Angel Oracle Deck

Fred Hageneder & Anne Heng

Dragon Wisdom

Christine Arana Fader

Soul Helper Oracle

Soul Helper Oracle

Christine Arana Fader

Soul Helper Oracle

The Fourteen Holy Helpers

Christiane Stamm

Astrology & Numerology

The Tree Horoscope

Daniela Christine Huber

Crystals and Numerology

Editha Wüst & Sabine Schieferle


Dragons And Serpents

Shamanic Star Wisdom Oracle

By (Author) Lisa Biritz
Illustrated by Petra Kühne

Dragons And Serpents

Dragons and Serpents

Stefan Broennle

The Seven Elemental Forces of Huna

Susanne Weikl

Inner Practices for the Twelve Nights of Yuletide

Anne Stallkamp &
Werner Hartung

Animal Spirit Wisdom

Phillip Kansa &
Elke Kirchner-Young

Ancestral Healing for Your Spiritual and Genetic Families

Jeanne Ruland & Shantidevi


Power of Switchwords

The Power of Switchwords

Franziska Krattinger

Unlocking the 7 Secret Powers of the Heart

Shai Tubali

Ancestral Healing for Your Spiritual and Genetic Families

Jeanne Ruland & Shantidevi

The Little Book of Dragons

Christine Arana Fader

Ho‘oponopono - revised & expanded Edition


Ulrich E. Duprée

Ho’oponopono and Family Constellations

Ulrich E. Duprée

The Power of the Infinity Symbol

Barbara Heider-Rauter

Boost Your Natural Energy

Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu

The Fourteen Holy Helpers

Christiane Stamm

Pocket Guides

Healing Crystals A-Z

Michael Gienger

Crystal Protection from 5G

Barbara Newerla

Gem Water

Michael Gienger

Ho‘oponopono - revised & expanded Edition


Ulrich E. Duprée

Purifying Crystals 

Michael Gienger

Reflexology Made Easy

Ewald Kliegel

Animal Spirit Wisdom

Phillip Kansa &
Elke Kirchner-Young

Boost Your Natural Energy

Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu

Twelve Essential Healing Crystals

Michael Gienger

Crystals Gifts

Michael Gienger